How can I create a responsive design with ONLY 2 target screens?« Back to Questions List

A few users have recently asked how to create a design that works on all devices, but with only 2 screens. Export Kit is fully dynamic so you can change what you do easily, eg:

a) If you remove the CSS screen tag for “default” – then that design will render on all screens regardless!  That design will be considered static.  
b) Create a design without CSS screens for your intended project as a base – then export your additional screen(s) with another PSD file: //
c) When you add a minimum target you can cover all devices that are larger than the minimum; eg. ${css|screen:320} will target most common devices and display on that screen as long as the device is wider than 320px.

You can also read about Using Align Output and Hide Overflow to control the look and feel of your output, and allow you to target multiple device sizes using a single target screen.

Added July 31, 2015 5:21 pm

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IMPORTANT: CSS rules apply. If you are using a static screen then you MUST place that design BELOW your other target screens – this is a CSS rule!

This means that your static screen design should be the bottom-most folder in your Photoshop Layer List.

IMPORTANT: Responsive rules apply. If you remove the CSS Screen tag from the layer then your design now has a new folder - ensure you copy the same folder structure in each responsive target screen.

Answer by admin
Answered On August 25, 2015 1:59 am #

Yes! Our WordPress Themes support all HTML5 features and options.

Answer by admin
Answered On July 31, 2015 5:31 pm #

Can these work with wordpress, or is there another method?

Answer by Cammy ★★★
Answered On July 31, 2015 5:30 pm #
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3 answers
Last Answered 9 years ago by admin


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