How execute an .exe file which is packaged inside the jar.« Back to Questions List

Hello,I am working on a java desktop application and want to execute an exe file upon some user action. I want to package the exe inside the executable jar so that I have to ship just one item to my customer/user. But so far I have not been able to execute an exe file which is packaged inside the jar. One more input, the exe in turn uses a bunch of dll, xml and exe files (total 12 files), so I need to package all of them to make this work. Is this possible in java or should I use another language to achieve this? I chose java because I want to support Mac platform also. So with these exe and dll files (for Win), I need to package and execute a bunch of Unix executable files and dylib files also (for Mac). What would be the best way to achieve this? I can think of 2 ways: 1. Make one Java executable app and dynamically execute exe or Unix executable file depending on platform it is running. The problem here is executing the files which are packaged within the jar. 2. Make separate applications for Win and Mac. In this case, which languages should I use? Thanks much for the help!

Asked by Shiva12
Added January 5, 2018 11:14 am

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That question is better suited for Stack Overflow. The plugin has support for Java but does not create .jar files. Perhaps try Eclipse?

Answer by admin
Answered On January 6, 2018 9:24 pm #
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Asked by Shiva12
1 answer
Last Answered 7 years ago by admin


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