how to correctly render button and input text field?« Back to Questions List
Im trying to export from ai to html. My html result cant seems to be able to render the button and input text field correctly. here is my layer structure: 1.button button layer as folder, inside the folder i have button text layer & button bg layer. But it rendered my button as a whole image. 2. input text field search field 1 as folder, inside the folder i have text label layer, input field layer & grey text layer. It does not show up in the html page. |
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Hi, Also, take a screen shot of your layers if you still have trouble. We can give you a faster answer when we see the layer structure. |
Hi, Illustrator ButtonsThis is an easy fix. Illustrator requires A LOT of layers to correctly render (as it does not have the concept of a folder). Simple solution is to create additional layers inside your button folder, possibly one for the background. AI FormsFor input text, you must use the Input Tag: // You can grab the premium template here for Forms (includes an AI template): // |

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