In XD it is important not to select artboards« Back to Questions List


Something that was not obvious from the documentation (eg here ) is that in XD when you are trying to export the project, do not select any of the artboards in the window. If nothing is selected than everything is selected. You will see all the artboards tallied in the 'document statistics'. It is also best as the video says to select hybrid which means you will get the other image formats and not just SVGs.

I would recommend adding more info about what is not supposed to be selected in XD when you are running this process, as well as clarify why HTML5 is supposed to be the layer selected.

Added March 26, 2021 3:54 pm

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Take a look at this page for using the plugin with XD:


To export a single page, select that artboard, to export all pages select nothing.


This is for creating mobile apps as not all environment support vectors and effects. Do not enable this with HTML.

Answered On March 30, 2021 6:33 am #
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