Is it possible to build using "position: relative"?« Back to Questions List

Why is the HTML is built only using "position: absolute"? Is it possible to build using "position: relative"?

Added June 20, 2014 8:55 pm

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Yes you can use Relative Positions with Export Kit Pro, and it will do so. What happens is the folder will become “position: relative” and the layer contents of the folder will be “absolute” within.

Note that Photoshop is a position based (x,y,z) environment, while HTML is a screen based (flood fill) environment – we aim to have your output as similar to your Photoshop doc as possible.

Take a look at Photoshop vs. Environment Rendering and export the example PSD in each environment to see the difference.

Answer by admin
Answered On June 20, 2014 9:01 pm #
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