Is there CLASS support for HTML5 and CSS elements?« Back to Questions List
Why are all elements are built on ID TAG'S? Can't I set some elements to work as CLASS TAG'S? Example: I have five buttons on a page, that has the same CSS Style. After exporting our work, ExportKit gave us back 5 buttons, with the same css. Using Class Tag, we should have one. |
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We used to allow for layers with similar names to use the same class attribute, problem was users would rename layers with the same name, and change the contents in their layer copy – which would then give unexpected results in the output – so we removed it. Class Tag - Version 1.2.6We have added 2 new Layer Tags in v126 to support CSS classes:
These will allow you to create custom CSS classes, templates and themes for use with any WordPress, HTML5 or CSS export. We will add support for JavaScript and jQuery in v127. You can preview the new Class Tag here: PSD to CSS3 Styles and Classes |

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