Using export kit with proper semantics?« Back to Questions List

Hi, I would like to know if there is any techniques when exporting to have proper semantic with the code?

Added July 1, 2016 4:29 am

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This is a very complex answer because there are very specific differences between Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign which strongly affect how elements render.


Photoshop and Illustrator will naturally use only a few elements in designs such as Text, Vectors, Images, etc. This forces Export Kit to use Layer Tags to create elements which are not available in PSD and AI. InDesign is very different and support a much wider range of elements such as LIst, Anchors, Pages, etc. There are plans to incorporate as many INDD elements as possible in each environment.

Environment Rendering

PSD, AI and INDD also render elements differently in exports. We strongly recommend you read our design rules for each environment to understand how elements are rendered in your output.

PSD Design

AI Design

INDD Design

Semantic HTML Elements

To correctly use structured elements (UL for list items, SECTION for content blocks, etc) then you will need to create custom HTML elements in your design: //

Answer by admin
Answered On July 1, 2016 4:42 pm #
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Asked by flaviocassini★★★
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Last Answered 9 years ago by admin


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