
Images Panel

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The Image Kit “Images” Panel

Export your Photoshop layers or document as PNG, JPG or GIF images. Each image output type has custom options for optimal output rendering in your interactive project. With Image Kit Pro, you can also take quick snapshots of your document or add a watermark for personal or business protection. You can also create common or custom icon sets for use with any project.

Image Kit Features

This comes with all the options required to export custom PNG, JPG or GIF images.

Common Image Types And Custom Options

With Image Kit you can export all Photoshop Layers as PNG, JPG or GIF images on a per-project basis, quickly and easily. Each image type has custom output options which will allow you to further personalize the Photoshop Layer images for your digital project.

Learn more about Using Image Kit.

Image Kit Pro Features

This comes with all the add-ons for creative professionals.

Learn more about Using Image Kit Pro.

Snap Shots

Take a quick snap shot of your Photoshop file using the desired image export type in one click. Snap Shots also give further options for resizing of your image on-the-fly.

Custom Watermarks

Created a great mock-up for a client, protect it instantly with a watermark. Watermarks are customizable, and allow for quick and easy protection for your Photoshop content.

Common Icon Sets

Create icon sets from Photoshop quickly for common application and environments. The default devices we support are: Windows, Mac OS X, Android, iPhone/iPad (Normal/Retina/Small), Linux, and ToolBar.

Custom Icons

Create your own custom icon sets easily by simply entering the desired icon size(s). You can enter multiple sizes by separating each with a “,“.

See Image Kit In Action

Watch the Image Kit demo video and see how easy it is to export images from your Photoshop document.

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