Button and Icon asset classes for Android?« Back to Questions List
I really liked the way how you pre-defining the classes like ${image} Do you think it's good to do same way "button", or "icon" stuff. Good stuff! |
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Hi, We plan to document this further but we will use this as a base list for our Android Widget support. Learn more about Class Tag: //exportkit.com/plugin/layer-tags/advanced-layer-tags/class-tag. NOTE: Not all Layer Tags have been added to Tag Kit in the Tools Panel – before WordPress we had about 12 tags, after WP we have 50+. Once we find a better way to organize them in the plugin we will add all tags to the list. You can always check //exportkit.com/resources/plugin/layer-tags for update to date tag information. IMPORTANT: With Android, Class Tags work with Layers only, we plan to add support for Folders once we complete our Android Skins module – oh yes, skin your widgets from PSD, AI and INDD! IMPORTANT: You must add your Widget properties to your Class Tag, eg. if you are using a EXAMPLE (SHAPE LAYER):
We recommend using ImagesAn image is an image so if you use Text
All Widgets WorkAll other Android Widget will convert as is with the position and size of your Layer. |
Hey is there any one who used class tag in an android project? |
Hi Bachi, We have plans to change our Android Class SupportWe currently support the following for Android using Class tag - remember this is in its early phase - * Layers Only * ${class|Button} ${class|ImageButton} ${class|EditText} ${class|CheckBox} ${class|RadioButton} ${class|View} ${class|TextView} ${class|ImageView} More InfoRead this post for info: //exportkit.com/answers/guidelines-for-using-android-and-export-kit |

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