Photoshop, Illustrator 2022 Plugin Bug« Back to Questions List
You will have to 1) import your file into XD or 2) revert to an older version of Illustrator (v21 or v22) or Photoshop (v19) to use the plugin until we correct a bug with Adobe. Solution 1:You can drag and drop your .psd or .ai file into XD and export your file there. On average a 2-5 min export in Photoshop or Illustrator will only take about 10 - 15 seconds in XD. Solution 2:You will have to request an older version from Adobe support and they will provide you with a link to download. For more information please go to Adobe post for more information\ |
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please can i use this app |
please can i use this app |
Movement? |
Any movement on this or update on when a new version of Export Kit for recent versions of Photoshop will be available? Using an older version on Photoshop will no loner work for us soon as we have been asked to uninstall versions 2020 and older by our IT department and the XD exporter isn't exporting exactly the same as PS to json. |

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