'export kit extension does not contain a valid signature' problem« Back to Questions List
I already had Adobe Extension Manager CC, and i try to install 'LightningStorm_CC2014.zxp'. The extension can't be installed, and there's a warning "The extension 'reshapemedia.exportkit.storm.CC' does not contain a valid signature. The extension will not be installed. How can i fix this problem? Thx. |
Do you have the right answer? If you do other users will benefit from your contribution, share your knowledge with the community!
This may be related to the new Adobe CC2015 update, we released an updated version to correct this issue: //exportkit.com/downloads |
Localized IssueThis is a localized issue affecting a few users - Contact UsIf you experience this issue, please contact us and we will notify you when the additional plugin packages are available for download. |

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