Lots of random errors. Please attach sample Figma file to help me understand proper technique.« Back to Questions List

[ERROR] [INFO] Do not place your Frame Pages inside Groups.,[WARNING] Frames must be top-level in your layers.,Generating Document Info,


Hi this screenshot isn't very clear. Can you please attach/send me the Figma projects you used in your tutorial videos so that I may look at the structure, and then export and compile them myself? I got the issue to resolve on the plugin by updating my Figma project, but my code won't compile, with errors related to

Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'theme' with value '@style/AppTheme')


Android resource linking failed

if you could please link me to some of the UI's you used so I can kind of back track and see where my UI could be off that'd be great. I love the concept of your plugin and would happily buy it once I get it working on a basic level. Thanks!




Asked by wilejake
Added December 30, 2022 7:48 am

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Asked by wilejake
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Last Answered 2 years ago by wilejake


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