Not good support and response. after purchase package.« Back to Questions List

[23-Jun-16 7:07:45 PM] kk web developer: hello

[23-Jun-16 7:44:13 PM] kk web developer: hello

[23-Jun-16 7:46:14 PM] kk web developer: are you there?

[23-Jun-16 8:02:19 PM] kk web developer: hello there?

[23-Jun-16 8:06:07 PM] Export Kit Support: Hi how can we help

[23-Jun-16 8:06:22 PM] kk web developer: send me invoice

[23-Jun-16 8:06:50 PM] kk web developer: for this

[23-Jun-16 8:06:51 PM] kk web developer:

[23-Jun-16 8:07:04 PM] Export Kit Support: The invoice was sent to the email in the order, should they sent it to this email?

[23-Jun-16 8:07:16 PM] kk web developer: full package , All Packages are needed

[23-Jun-16 8:09:32 PM] kk web developer: I cleare some douts

[23-Jun-16 8:09:35 PM | Edited 8:09:48 PM] kk web developer: Export Kit – Pro Panel (Add-on)

Export Kit – HTML5 Output

Export Kit – CSS Output

Layer Kit – Pro Panel (Add-on)

Layer Kit – HTML5 View

[23-Jun-16 8:10:27 PM] kk web developer: This all Package are needed.

[23-Jun-16 8:11:00 PM] kk web developer: There?

[23-Jun-16 8:11:32 PM] kk web developer: are you there?

[23-Jun-16 8:13:22 PM] kk web developer: (Question :1) Here all PAckages are included ?

(Question :2) Below image Checkbox is enable after upgrade this package?

[23-Jun-16 8:13:58 PM] kk web developer: Please Give me answer of this 2 Question then i will purchase this package now.......

[23-Jun-16 8:15:23 PM] kk web developer: Are you there?

[23-Jun-16 8:17:22 PM | Edited 8:17:34 PM] kk web developer: We are Waiting for your reply.......

[23-Jun-16 8:25:58 PM] Export Kit Support: Hi, we are upgrading you to responsive pack. It will give you the features you expect.

[23-Jun-16 8:26:28 PM] kk web developer: this both question's answer is fullfill sir?

[23-Jun-16 8:27:04 PM] Export Kit Support: Yes

[23-Jun-16 8:27:09 PM] kk web developer: ok sir

[23-Jun-16 8:27:19 PM] kk web developer: and how to change my email id sir?

[23-Jun-16 8:27:30 PM] kk web developer: i want to change email id.

[23-Jun-16 8:28:33 PM] Export Kit Support: If you do that you will need to make a new purchase. Keys lock to emails. This allows users to have different keys on one account.

[23-Jun-16 8:28:56 PM] Export Kit Support: The do not mix and match

[23-Jun-16 8:29:09 PM] kk web developer: can't understand sir

[23-Jun-16 8:30:08 PM] kk web developer: can you change at your end?

[23-Jun-16 8:30:34 PM] kk web developer: i will provide you email.

[23-Jun-16 8:31:01 PM] Export Kit Support: New emails are new accounts

[23-Jun-16 8:32:40 PM] kk web developer: we edit at our profile, this is possible?

[23-Jun-16 8:32:56 PM] kk web developer: to change email id?

[23-Jun-16 8:33:31 PM] Export Kit Support: If you do that then we cannot provide you with the deal.

[23-Jun-16 8:34:10 PM] Export Kit Support: The deal is for this email

[23-Jun-16 8:34:37 PM | Edited 8:34:53 PM] kk web developer: if i purchase this Package after that i will change email id?

[23-Jun-16 8:34:42 PM] kk web developer: this is possible?

[23-Jun-16 8:35:42 PM] Export Kit Support: You can change your email and make a new purchase.

[23-Jun-16 8:36:20 PM] kk web developer: ok

[23-Jun-16 8:36:33 PM] kk web developer: i will purchase now

[23-Jun-16 8:43:36 PM] kk web developer: I WILL PURCHASE.PAYMENT IS SUCESFULLY DONE

[23-Jun-16 8:43:42 PM] kk web developer: PLEASE UPGRADE IT.

[23-Jun-16 8:44:51 PM] kk web developer: NO INVOICE COME IN MY EMAIL

[23-Jun-16 8:45:01 PM] Export Kit Support: We will send a note to tech and accounting. Once they verify it will take a few hours to process.


[23-Jun-16 8:48:52 PM] kk web developer: SEND ME INVOICE

[23-Jun-16 8:48:58 PM] kk web developer: OF EXPORT KIT


[23-Jun-16 8:51:57 PM] Export Kit Support: Invoices are only for full payments of products. You requested a custom payment that is not in our system.

[23-Jun-16 8:52:31 PM] kk web developer: OK NO PROBLE BUT SEND ME ORDER ID FOR THIS

[23-Jun-16 8:52:35 PM] Export Kit Support: We can ask accounting to refund your money request then you need to make a full purchase for an actual invoice

[23-Jun-16 8:52:55 PM] kk web developer: OK SIR

[23-Jun-16 8:53:02 PM] kk web developer: JUST UPGRADE PLAN

[23-Jun-16 8:53:06 PM] kk web developer: THANK YOU

[23-Jun-16 8:53:42 PM] Export Kit Support: We will notify you once tech adds your keys.

[10:59:19 AM] kk web developer: hello

[12:34:22 PM] kk web developer: hello sir

[1:04:04 PM] kk web developer: hello sir

[1:04:13 PM] kk web developer: are u there ?

[3:15:24 PM] kk web developer: hello sir

[3:15:27 PM] kk web developer: are u there ?

[6:26:33 PM] kk web developer: hello sir

[6:26:40 PM] kk web developer: are u there ?

[6:34:06 PM] kk web developer: Why you are not upgrade my plan

[6:34:22 PM] kk web developer: ?

[6:35:52 PM] kk web developer: hello sir

[6:35:56 PM] Export Kit Support: Hi

[6:36:18 PM] Export Kit Support: Your upgrade is scheduled for this morning

[6:36:43 PM] Export Kit Support: We will check with tech to see the server update schedule

[6:36:54 PM] kk web developer: $55.59

All refunds or exchanges must be made within 10 business days.

[6:37:15 PM] kk web developer: refund my money

[6:38:38 PM] kk web developer: $55.59 = $ 25.59 + $ 30

[6:38:49 PM] Export Kit Support: Hi we will ask accounting to refund your last payment. You are not eligible for a refund with the previous html output as the key was activated

[6:39:37 PM] kk web developer: $55.59 full payment refund sir

[6:41:21 PM] kk web developer: other wise upgrade my package As Soon As Possible

[6:44:47 PM] kk web developer: hello sir

[6:44:53 PM] kk web developer: are u there ?

[6:45:23 PM] Export Kit Support: Hi we just notified accounting

[6:46:30 PM] kk web developer: you understand hindi ?

[6:46:35 PM] kk web developer: language

[6:46:59 PM] Export Kit Support: You are not eligible for a refund on activated keys, please read our refund policy. //

[6:47:46 PM] kk web developer: upgrade my package

[6:48:44 PM] Export Kit Support: We have already notified accounting. You will receive your refund within 1 business day

[6:49:23 PM] Export Kit Support: This is a business. We cannot go back and forth with accounting.

[6:49:55 PM] kk web developer: please sir upgrade my package

[6:50:46 PM] kk web developer: why you are not upgrade my package

[6:51:54 PM] Export Kit Support: This is a business with schedules. Your upgrade was scheduled for this morning, that's less than 24 hours. Then you asked for a refund.

[6:59:52 PM] kk web developer: JUST UPGRADE PLAN


[7:00:32 PM] kk web developer: please sir my humble request

[7:12:08 PM] kk web developer: which time it is upgrade sir

[7:12:09 PM] kk web developer: ?

[7:12:40 PM] kk web developer: can you give us maximum time for upgrade?

[7:12:47 PM | Edited 7:13:38 PM] kk web developer: package?

[7:15:37 PM] kk web developer: hello sir

[7:15:41 PM] kk web developer: there?

[7:17:20 PM] kk web developer: give us support

[7:17:35 PM] kk web developer: there?

[7:21:52 PM] kk web developer: please upgrade our plan sir

[7:25:20 PM] Export Kit Support: Hi your refund request was sent to accounting. They will not accept another request.

[7:25:39 PM] kk web developer: we just ask to you upgrade our package

[7:25:59 PM] kk web developer: sorry for that

[7:26:07 PM] kk web developer: but upgrade our package

[7:27:15 PM] kk web developer: please upgrade our plan

[7:27:16 PM] kk web developer: sir

[7:27:22 PM] kk web developer: try to understand sir

[7:28:01 PM | Edited 7:28:06 PM] kk web developer: we give many days to purchase it, so can't waste another time so please sir upgrade our plan

[7:28:40 PM] kk web developer: You have all rights to upgrade it

[7:40:03 PM] kk web developer: ok sir upgrade my plan

[7:40:05 PM] kk web developer: thanks

[7:50:08 PM] kk web developer: i have large group of website theme developer.

[7:50:28 PM] kk web developer: i can introduce export kit to my group

[7:50:55 PM] kk web developer: and make sure advertise export kit package

[7:50:56 PM] Export Kit Support: Your refund request was sent. Accounting will not reverse. We did you a favor, you asked us not to continue. This is a business.

[7:51:42 PM] kk web developer: yes i know this is busness

[7:52:00 PM] kk web developer: so understand clients and their sutuations

[7:52:38 PM] kk web developer: i need to upgrade the plan.

[7:56:26 PM] kk web developer: how many time it take for upgrade?

Added June 24, 2016 2:33 pm

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This forum is meant for plugin, tech, and usage support. Please use our contact us page: // for better help.

Based on the message history

1. You asked for a custom price
2. Accounting agreed to your custom price
3. You asked for a refund
4. Accounting agreed to your refund

Are you requesting your refund to not be processed, are you saying you do not want to be refunded? Please clarify, we will pass this to Customer Support.

Answer by admin
Answered On June 24, 2016 3:16 pm #
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