Signing the plugin on installation« Back to Questions List
I have registered & downloaded the plugin pack. I then removed Photoshop to ensure I was working with a clean copy and then downloaded and installed Photoshop (2017) again. I have extracted the contents of the .zip using WinRAR to the location C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\LightningStorm_CC2015\ I opened Photoshop and clicked Window > Extensions > Lightning Storm. I received an error message that the extensio is not correctly signed. By the way (I'm not sure whether theis is pertinent) there is still a copy of Lightning Storm installed in Program Files (rather than the 64 bit program folder) from a previous aborttive attempt to install Export Kit Regards |
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Hi, If you look inside your /CEP/extensions folder do you see other plugins also inside that directory? If you see other plugins then you are in the correct directory. The next step is to re-extract the original plugin zip file to that directory. The ”Not Signed” error is due to drag-and-drop or using the native windows extractor – both will not work. You MUST use the .exe installer or WinZip/WinRaR with the correct path. |
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