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Hi We are looking to try your product however a coupele of things have come up. We have installed the trial version of your plugin into photoshop. We need to export the entire number of layers in one JSON file but we only seem to be able to select one layer at a time, is there a way to export all of the layers or a selection of them? Second question: We noticed that the processing is done via cloud, do you have an api that we can code in to? We have literally hundreds of PSD files we need converting to JSON and being able to feed them in at once via api would be a massive help. We will do the code for that. |
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Hi, JSON ExportsThe plugin will convert your layers to JSON easily, with additional advanced features you can take advantage of. Multiple PSD ExportsWe have a feature called Batch Exports with our Business plan that allows you to export 1000 psd files if you like, you have many options and features included with the Batch. |

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