Custom class in tag.« Back to Questions List
Every name of layers after export will become tag id. I want to add class name in layer, by that I can modify this class in css, how can i add class tag in psd. |
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Hi, This is very easy, with a group you can still use ${css|style:css_class_name} or you can also use our class tag for raw HTML elements ${class|div:class="css_class_name"} . CSS Style Tag: // Class Tag: // |
i read all these articles, i want to add my class name into a tag which is a layer or group in Photoshop. If you dont have this option, consider to add it in your next update. |
Hi, CSS classes / styles have 2 parts, (1) is your actual style you apply and (2) your global CSS styles you define in your design. CSS styles (classes): CSS rollover / hover: Bootstrap: |
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