how do i send in screenshots here?« Back to Questions List
I can't seem to copy and past any images and screenshots here. Or do i need to upload my images to somewhere else? |
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Hi, There are 2 other options, you can upload the screen shot to your server (if you have one) — OR — you can use an online screenshot service. Once you have the external image link, you can then use the [img] button to add the external link. |
Drag and drop not working. |
Try to drag and drop in [Visual] mode: |
Hi, Showing as code is actually correct. Your image is converted to Base64 (data). You can toggle between [Visual] and [Text] to see your image once you paste. |
Yes i did that ctrl c and ctrl v and it shows as code in the text box. And i can’t find the img button you mentioned. |
Hi, You have 2 options, if you click [Visual] in the top tab to the right then you can copy-and-paste (ctrl+c, then ctrl+v) your images with your text. Or you can click the [img] button and add an external image. |

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