Why are layers in the wrong places with responsive designs?« Back to Questions List

I’m hoping you can help. I’ve been able to figure out a couple of problems with text and fix those, but still having issues where parts of my render are showing up in the wrong places.

There are parts missing in tablet and mobile versions and the text I "fixed" will need to go back apparently to separate text areas for titles and descriptions.

Let me know if you can help in any way. :)

Added December 17, 2014 3:59 pm

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PSD Design Fix

With the PSD file you sent these are a simple fix.

1. Layer names must have the same name per screen.

This is a CSS rule, you must have the same elements for a media-query to work correctly.

2. Ensure all elements are included in each screen.

This is another CSS rule.  If you do not state the design in other screens, then CSS will not know what to do.  You must add the element to each screen.

${p} Tag with Paragraph Text

With projects, your requirements will change so you may need multiple elements or a single element you can style.

Break your text into individual elements if you need to
Use ${p} tag to style your paragraph text
Answer by admin
Answered On December 18, 2014 5:55 pm #
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Asked by girlinparis★★★
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Last Answered 10 years ago by admin


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