XD Export to iOS?« Back to Questions List
Okay, I've been paying for Lightning Storm specifically to export from Adobe XD to iOS. For whatever reason, I can find no reference as to how to do this. It's been a few months now. Is there a tutorial on this process somewhere that I am just not finding? Every time I look it is suspiciously missing. The closest thing I could find is selecting a layer and copying to code to Swift. That is not what I am looking for as I want to export the project. I've also found a few videos on exporting from Photoshop to iOS, but nobody uses Photoshop for UI design anymore. SO that is of no use. I'm beginning to feel that I might have wasted money on this plug-in. Can somebody please respond? |
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Please update to the latest version of our XD plugin and test your iOS export following our video tutorial. XD Plugin Update: https://exportkit.com/learn/getting-started/installation-xd-cc |
Hi, our XD plugin and our API has the latest update to support iOS 12+. You can import PSD and AI files to make a quick export. Tech has scheduled an update in Oct 2020 for the PSD/AI server to support iOS 12+ and Xamarin forms. |
This only works on a very old version of Xcode. And not very well. |
Hi, sorry for the delay in response but Covid has made it very difficult to respond quickly. Check here for our iOS, Android and Xamarin exports: (hybrid) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9LQH2RWkLo (iOS only) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZQAbvkOEKg |
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