
WordPress Tags

This page will serve as list of all Export Kit WordPress Theme tags. These tags are specific to WordPress Output only and will not work with other export environments. WordPress Theme tags are meant to give you full design control of the theme, files and programming output.

(1) Export Kit works 100% with WordPress
(2) WordPress is a complex system
(3) WordPress has many features and options
(4) All EK layer tags are based on actual WP tags
Note: You can use any WordPress Function or Template Tag inside your PSD with our ${code} tag.
We recommend you read our Convert a PSD to WordPress Theme tutorial for a full understanding of the relationship between WP layer tags and your PSD design.

The Header and Footer

The Header and Footer content of your WordPress theme, ${page:header} and ${page:footer} will render on all pages and should contain content relative to your theme, and not individual pages.

WordPress recommends you:
- add blog information
- add a navigation menu


Text only.

This will render the name of the WordPress blog using the Layer Styles of the text element.

Read more about bloginfo on WordPress.org.


Text only.

This will render the description of the WordPress blog using the Layer Styles of the text element.

Read more about bloginfo on WordPress.org.


Folders only.

This is a *SMART* tag and will use the layers within the PSD folder as objects in WordPress. This tag will generate a list of WordPress navigation items and a custom admin menu. The menu name you assign will generate in the Admin menu options.

Usage: ${wp_nav_menu|h:Header Menu}
You can choose a horizontal menu with "h", or vertical with "v" in the direction.
Design the WordPress navigation menu items following the official wp_nav_menu guide found on WordPress.org.

In-site Navigation

Text layers only.

Export Kit supports 2 base WordPress navigation buttons for next and previous navigation. Each link will allow the end-user to navigate through the WordPress blog/site based on your pages/posts.


This will allow the user to navigate to the next post/page in the sequence based on your WordPress settings. This will most likely be a newer page, unless a custom page order is set.

Read more about Next Post Link on WordPress.org.


This will allow the user to navigate to the previous post/page in the sequence based on your WordPress settings. This will most likely be an older page, unless a custom page order is set.

Read more about Previous Post Link on WordPress.org.


You can quickly display any post/page thumbnail with dynamic sizing. WordPress supports conditions to display thumbs, equally Export Kit also supports each condition.


* Conditional *
Folders only.

This will render child layers only if there is a thumbnail present for the post/page.

Read more about Has Post Thumbnail, on WordPress.org.


* Conditional *
Folders only.

This will render child layers only if there is no thumbnail present for the post/page.


Shapes only.

This will generate the thumbnail for the post/page based on the WordPress settings, using the size of the shape.

Comment On This

Export Kit has full commenting support for all WordPress outputs including posts and pages. Comments in WordPress have a specific nature which involves checking if comments are both allowed and if they exist – before rendering the comment list.

Read more about Comments, on WordPress.org.


* Conditional *
Folders only.

This will render child layers only if the comments are open in your WordPress settings.

Read more about Comments Open, on WordPress.org.


* Conditional *
Folders only.

This will render child layers only if the comments are closed in your WordPress settings.


* Conditional *
Folders only.

This will render child layers only if the post/page has comments.

Read more about Have Comments, on WordPress.org.


* Conditional *
Folders only.

This will render child layers only if the post/page does not have comments.


Folders only.

The default comment display block. Use this as a parent to all comment rendering for easy style reference.

Default Comments Rendering

Rendering comments with default settings uses the native WP style sheet to style and position elements.


Folders only.

This will render a custom form control for creating a unique comment submission webform. This will override the default ${comments_template}.

Read more about Comment Form, on WordPress.org.


Layers only.

This will render a link to comment on the current post/page. It is recommened to have this layer nested inside ${div|comments_open} to ensure comments are allowed on the post/page.

Read more about Comments Popup Link, on WordPress.org.


Layers only.

This will render the default WP template for commenting, within a single post/page.

Read more about Comments Template, on WordPress.org.

Custom Comments Rendering

Rendering comments with custom settings uses the PSD design to style and position elements.

NOTE: Export Kit will render the required elements to generate your custom comments display, but you may be required to create your own comments query before rendering elements.

Example Comment Query

$comments_query = new WP_Comment_Query;
$comments = $comments_query->query( $args );


Folders only.

This will render the loop for customizing individual comments.

Read more about WP Comments Query, on WordPress.org.


Shapes only.

This will render the avatar for the user who submitted the comment, provided one is available.

Read more about Get Avatar, on WordPress.org.


Text only.

This will render the text of the comment using the PSD design styles provided.

Read more about Comment Text, on WordPress.org.


Layers only.

This will render the default WordPress comment reply form.

Read more about wp_comment_reply(), on WordPress.org.

Who’s Your Poster?

Export Kit has full support for post/page authors, and display custom content based on your PSD design.


Folders only.

This will render the default author block. Use this as a parent for custom Author elements. This will check if there is author meta, the post/page is a single, and if there are multiple authors.


Shapes only.

This will render the default author avatar, provided there is one.

Read more about Get Avatar, on WordPress.org.

The WP Loop Types

Folders only.

Export Kit supports 2 base WordPress loop types. A custom ${div|posts} and a default ${div|entries} loop. Each loop type will act as the parent element for the actual ${loop} folder.


This will allow you create a custom loop where you MUST define which elements and data you want visible.

You MUST use ${div|post} as the child post container.


This will allow you create a default loop.

You MUST use ${div|entry} as the child post container.

Rendering The Loop

Folders only.


The default WordPress loop, required when creating dynamic content generated from the database. All elements inside this folder will render if not specified by other WordPress tags.

This is the parent folder of all loop elements, eg. you must add your design for the Post inside the ${loop} folder.
Read more about the The Loop, on WordPress.org.

Custom Loop Rendering

Folders only.


** Requires ${div|post} **

This is a *SMART* tag and will create a custom WP_Query loop to generate content via arguments and conditions. You can add any valid WP_Query argument.

Usage: ${query:array('post_type'=>'gallery', 'post__in'=>array(2,5))} gallery posts

When using ${query} tag, the name of the folder becomes the name of the loop. This is the name you must reference within your ${div|post} to render the content based on the WP_Query results.

gallery posts (folder) = $gallery_posts_loop (loop)
Learn more about WP_Query on WordPress.org.

Conditional Loop Rendering

Folders only.

These folders are optional but will allow you to render elements based on native WordPress conditions. If you do not add these folders then WordPress will assume you want all child elements to render – regardless of the conditions.

Add these folders inside your ${loop} folder.


* Conditional *

This will render the folder contents only if there are no posts for the requested query.

Read more about the Have Posts, on WordPress.org.


* Conditional *

This will render the folder contents only if the requested query is a single page or post.

Read more about the Have Posts, on WordPress.org.

Post Render Types

Folders only.

These tags work directly with their respective Loop Type counter-parts.

Add these folders inside your ${loop} or Conditional Loop Folders folder.


This will allow you create a custom post where you MUST define which elements and data you want visible.

You MUST use with ${div|posts}.


This will allow you create a default post and you define where the WordPress content is visible.

You MUST use with ${div|entries}.

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02. Using The Plugin

03. Layer Support

04. Basic Exports

05. Layer Tags

06. Optimization Tips

07. Complete Exports

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