
Font Styles

Your PSD font styles are used in your output to support all font styles and variations. In many environments, font styles span far beyond a character – so a single font can have unlimited styles.

IMPORTANT: Font Styles and Character Styles are not the same.  A Font Style of Bold will only render if you have the correct CSS or Google Font to support, vs. a Character Styles Bold will add font-weight:bold; to the text element.

Web Font Styles

When using Font Styles with web based outputs, be aware that each browser will render fonts differently. Using “Arial” font (a very common font), your output will still look different when using IE, Chrome and FireFox.

NOTE: You will need to test your output!
Learn more about adding Google Fonts for better Font Style support.
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02. Using The Plugin

03. Layer Support

04. Basic Exports

05. Layer Tags

06. Optimization Tips

07. Complete Exports

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