Android XML - Multiple Resolutions CSS Not Working?« Back to Questions List

Hi trying out export kit on a bog-standard PSD file and I've tried doing the CSS Screen tags as explained here: //

I've used:

${css|screen:800} p-2560 xhdpi / 1280 mdpi
${css|screen:960} l-1200 xhdpi / 1080 mdpi
${css|screen:360} p-720 xhdpi / 1080 xxhdpi

Copied straight from one of your explanations but after exporting all it seems to do is export all the layers as usual at the size that they are.

I've noticed a part of that page says you need to have responsive CSS ticked but it is a greyed out option for me, do you know where I've gone wrong here?

Asked by nathaniel
Added September 14, 2015 12:34 pm

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Hi, Nathaniel,

Based on the PSD example you sent us, your solution is quick and easy:

You Design the Target Screen

You need to create the design on each screen. You did not modify your design for Responsive Screens (Step 2 – scroll down a bit): // – once you create your additional target screen, you need to modify the design to match (watch the video for a visual).

No Negative Margins

Android does not support (-) negative margins, you must start your design at 0,0 – what you see is what you get! Based on your design, your background will push the content to the right. A quick solution is to clip the background to the size of the document: //

Use Specific Target Screens for Android

“Default” is not required for Android screens, you should set the target screen manually. Also ensure your PSD size is the SAME size as the screen you are targeting. Eg. if your base screen is 600px, then your document should be 600px.

Android PSD template: //

Answer by admin
Answered On September 14, 2015 4:44 pm #
Looking for another answer? View other questions in CSS Responsive Screen or get premium support for guaranteed results.
Asked by nathaniel
1 answer
Last Answered 10 years ago by admin


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