Auto content expanding div's« Back to Questions List
Hi, I have the following HTML div structure for my page, how can I make each individual div expand to fit contents automatically? I am reading that absolute position is my problem? how can i fix this? or am I missing something?
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Hi, You will need to reset your divs to allow for dynamic position and size. If you read the previous link it will demonstrate how to reset the div’s position, you can apply the logic to the div’s height also. You have an issue with your folder/layers, #faq_heading_grp should be placed inside #index_content_01, this will allow you to correctly resize the section. |
Hi, Here’s a test output, I still can’t get the div to expand with content. I have tried to set-out my export folders differently. I can now adjust #index_content_01 height and it expands correctly, but how do i get #section_05_contents_grp to fit inside #index_content_01 Thanks in-advance for you help |
Hi, This is available as a premium template: Dynamic Auto-height. This will provide you with a full working template and example output. Do It YourselfThe theory behind this is to Reset Your Div and enable Dynamic Height to control your overall design. |
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