I have problems exporting the site - the text« Back to Questions List

I've a problem when exporting the site, some words are repeated and titles of sections look bigger. How can I solve this?.

Some examples of what happens:


Asked by Sara12
Added August 7, 2017 12:53 pm

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Could you be more precise when you said for repeated words when we are using ${p} tag ? How do I fix this issue?

How do I fix the additional hidden text?


Answer by Goyatea
Answered On February 7, 2023 11:03 am #


This PSD Tempalte will give you a good example of Photoshop vs. HTML rendering (text included).

Answer by admin
Answered On August 7, 2017 8:58 pm #


This can happen for various reasons. Text can be a little tricky to master, but its not difficult.

Repeated Words

This typically happens when you are using ${p} tag with text layer that have only 1 style applied.

Another reason for this is resizing text layers, but not removing the additional hidden text.

Titles Look Bigger

Web fonts and Adobe fonts are not the same so you may have to play with the size a bit to get it perfect.

Text Content Issues (VERY IMPORTANT)

Based on your screen shot it seems you have a errors with your text content. The problem is the text was inputted VISUALLY rather than NATURALLY. We can tell this because there is a line-break in the content. Export Kit will render all text content, so you must input text as you would in Notepad, eg. allow for natural word-wrapping, do you use ”enter key” to space elements.

Answer by admin
Answered On August 7, 2017 2:05 pm #
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Asked by Sara12
3 answers
Last Answered 2 years ago by Goyatea


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