Help, I do not see the plugin in the Extensions menu (CC 2015)« Back to Questions List

I installed the extension through the extension manager for Photoshop CC but I do not see the extension in Photoshop? Is there something I did? I cannot figure it out as it says it is installed.

Asked by Mullin987
Added July 15, 2015 4:49 pm

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Correct Answer

Quick Install (Recommended)

Need a visual? Watch our step-by-step tutorial!

1. Download the Plugin Source Files

2. Place on your desktop

3. With WinZip or WinRAR installed, double-click the .zip file and select Extract Files then enter the location to extract to based on Windows or Mac


C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\LightningStorm_CC2015\


C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\LightningStorm_CC2015\



%userprofile% will default to your current User directory on Windows.


~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/LightningStorm_CC2015/
APPLE FIX: There is a bug with MAC and zip files where they can run into loops and create a .cpgz file – fix the zip error.

4. Restart Photoshop, Illustrator or InDesign - then enable the plugin.

Window > Extensions > Export Kit - Lightning Storm

Answer by admin
Answered On May 29, 2016 1:57 am #


Manual Install

  1. Re-download the plugin: //
  2. Place LightningStorm_CC2015.zxp in this path:

    IMPORTANT: Create the CEP/extensions/ path if necessary

    TIP: Enable Hidden Files and Folders for Windows or Mac if you do not see the AppData or Application Support folder.
    C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\
    - use this location for a first-time install 
    ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/
    - use this location for both new and existing installs
  3. Rename the plugin ”LightningStorm_CC2015.zxp” extension to ”zip”, eg. ”

    TIP: Enable File Extensions for Windows or Mac if you do not see .zxp in the file name.

  4. Right click and select “Extract to LightningStorm_CC2015 folder” (win) -or- Extract the contents to a new folder named “LightningStorm_CC2015” (MAC)

    APPLE FIX: There is a bug with MAC and zip files where they can run into loops and create a .cpgz file – fix the zip error.

    Your complete folder path should look like this:
    C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\LightningStorm_CC2015\
    ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/LightningStorm_CC2015/

    Your files indie the LightningStorm_CC2015 folder should look like this (with the same time stamp):
  5. Remove the zip file from the CEP/extensions/ directory

  6. Restart Photoshop or Illustrator and enable the plugin [Windows > Extensions > Export Kit - Lightning Storm]

Ensure you DO NOT change the extracted contents (see instructions below)

UI Builder and Virtual Scripts Install

Read our online guide to learn how to install the UI Builder elements and the Virtual Scripts templates - learn more.

Answer by admin
Answered On September 27, 2015 4:16 am #

Unable to extract the content from zxp tried evrything help me out

Answer by neelpatel6294
Answered On September 26, 2015 6:17 pm #

Hi jamesdzap,

Please contact us: // – and support will guide you with your issue. We have found that some users have modified the .zip file before its copied to the CEP directory – DO NOT MODIFY the contents after you extract them. Once you re-extract the files and copy them to the location, you can re-start Photoshop.

If your LightningStorm_CC2015 directory does not look similar to the sample image in the instructions below - WITH THE SAME TIME STAMPS, then you modified the files.
These are the developer directories for Adobe plugins – so once the files are correctly placed, you can then enable the plugin inside Photoshop: // (step 4).

Download: // (if you have the original zip file, you can simply re-extract from that one).

Answer by admin
Answered On August 25, 2015 1:45 pm #

This still does not seem to allow me to install . Any advice?

Answer by jamesdzap
Answered On August 25, 2015 12:09 am #


We have had a report of this previously (MAC), the reason may be that you unzipped the contents and got the .cpgz error – then applied the fix to the current folder, this will not work because the files are no longer in sync.

FIX: Re-download the plugin once again and use the solutions (look below in the instructions) with the fresh zip file.
Answer by admin
Answered On August 7, 2015 2:35 am #

I have done the above, and it worked, however I am unable to load the extension in Photoshop – I get this message ”The Export Kit – Lightning Storm Extention could not be loaded because it was not properly signed”
Is there anything else I have to do to get this extension working?

Answer by Helloyelo
Answered On August 5, 2015 10:17 pm #

Hi Mullin987,

Thanks for the update notice! This is a very common issue with Adobe when they push major updates – their new May 2015 release is r88, here is a quick solution for ALL PREVIOUSLY INSTALLED PLUGINS:

Manually Installing Adobe CC Plugins

1. Download the current CC2015 plugin: LightningStorm_CC2015.zxp

2. Change the name of the plugin extension to "zip", eg. ""

3. Extract/Unzip the contents of the file to a new folder, eg. "LightningStorm_CC2015" - note: the folder name does not matter.

APPLE: There is a bug with MAC and zip files where they can run into loops and create a .cpgz file – fix the zip error.

Copy The Extracted Contents

EXAMPLE IMAGE: Your LightningStorm_CC2015 folder after unzip in the CEP\extensions directory (WIN).

4. Copy the new folder "LightningStorm_CC2015" to your CEP extensions directory (create the CEP folder if not present - this is required for CC2015) – then restart Photoshop (or any other CC program).


NEW: C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\LightningStorm_CC2015
- use this location for a new install 
EXISTING: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\LightningStorm_CC2015
- use this location if updating from a previous CC version


ALL: ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/LightningStorm_CC2015
- use this location for both new and existing installs

Updating Your Current Plugins

1. Navigate to your Adobe Common Files directory:

WIN: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\
MAC: ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/

2. In CC2014 extensions were previously stored in CEPServiceManager4/extensions (this is where Export Kit was installed - reshapemedia.exportkit.storm.CC)

3. It seems Adobe changed their default extension path with the new update to CEP/extensions

4. Copy your ”extensions” folder directly from CEPServiceManager4 to CEP – then restart Photoshop (or any other CC program) and your previous plugins will now work with the new version.

WIN: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions
MAC: ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions
OPTIONAL: Or you can copy the Export Kit plugin only… do you really need another!?
Answer by admin
Answered On July 15, 2015 5:00 pm #
Looking for another answer? View other questions in Install Photoshop Extension or get premium support for guaranteed results.
Asked by Mullin987
8 answers
Last Answered 9 years ago by admin

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