Strange Error (Invalid Text Layer)« Back to Questions List
Hi I’m getting an error message that I can’t seem to resolve. I am exporting for WordPress with CSS included. This is the error message: 129. [LAYER] [TEXT] [${wp_opt_footer_numbers}_footer_numbers] 130. [ERROR] [INVALID TEXT LAYER] PSD Example File Hidden Thanks! |
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Do Not Scale TextWe have also found that some users experience this issue because of text scaling – |
Hi Megan, Design found the issue, its related to: // What you found was a Photoshop bug that we have not fully documented as yet (we documented the color version of what you found for shapes, but not the text version). THE ISSUE:Sometimes – not all – when you duplicate a text layer, Photoshop will not set the font styles. SOLUTION:Click each combo box to re-select the |
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