
Safe Text

Disable for Illustrator.  This feature is designed for Photoshop, and is not required for Illustrator exports.

All browsers and devices render fonts, sizes and effects differently! Safe Text is designed to give you a pixel-perfect export with web-based outputs, where Text Layers are converted similar to your design.

Adobe uses a custom Adobe Pixel, this means that XD, PSD, AI and INDD will display content very differently than your output environment. There are situations where you may want to Enable for better web support, or Disable for better IDE support.

Layer Kit Pro Options

Export Kit Pro Layer Options


Recommended for Websites.

If enabled, this will calculate a “safe” size for text depending on the Output environment, and allow for more accurate rendering of your design. We recommend this option when working with web-based outputs such as HTML5 or WordPress.

Font Rendering

All browsers and environments render fonts differently so you must – test, test, test!


Recommended for IDEs.

Text will render using the size of your font in your design. We do not recommend doing this for web-based outputs, but other environments such as JSON and Android may benefit from exact font size mapping.

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02. Using The Plugin

03. Layer Support

04. Basic Exports

05. Layer Tags

06. Optimization Tips

07. Complete Exports

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