
Enable CSS Fonts

CSS Fonts provide typeface information such as Font Name and Font Style where available. CSS Fonts are included with many common web-browsers and will work by default.

Layer Kit Pro Options

Export Kit Pro Layer Options

Called Use Web Fonts in Export Kit.

NOTE: Not all environments require CSS Fonts, eg. with Android and iOS fonts require imports.
Font information is restricted to Text layer elements only!


If enabled, this will allow CSS font names and styles to be used in the code output. CSS Fonts are supported in Export Kit, but this will depend on the browsers you are viewing the output in. Each browser has individual CSS Font support so testing is required for the desired font and target browser.

Learn more about Font Support or download and test the CSS Fonts PSD template.

Example CSS Font Information

font-family: MyriadPro-Regular, Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif;


No font name or style information is provided in the output.

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03. Layer Support

04. Basic Exports

05. Layer Tags

06. Optimization Tips

07. Complete Exports

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