Even after purchasing product i am getting 416 error« Back to Questions List
Even though i purchased i am getting this error when i try to export json. Also why it is showing in activation: You have zero activation keys. |
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We still have the same issue. Not able to use export kit because of this error. |
We still have the same issue. Not able to use export kit because of this error. |
We still have the same issue. Not able to use export kit because of this error. |
We still have the same issue. Not able to use export kit because of this error. |
Hi, your issue should be resolved now. Please close and reopen the plugin (you may need to do this 2x to refresh on the server) then login and your keys should update. |
Hi, we sent this to Tech and they will resolve this shortly. Woah... 400k XPYou should contact web support and tell them they can check your stats for proof, you use the plugin a lot and you want a discount. |
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