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How do I install the UI Builder?

I have one more question. In Webmaster you give UI Builder. //exportkit.com/product/photoshop/ui-builder But i can't use it. I saw video, but ...

Export Kit – HTML5 Output

Hello Export Kit,Yesterday i will purchase "Export Kit – HTML5 Output" Package. I install package as per instruction on website. ...

New Storm Servers

Our Network update is complete with both our .com and api internally hosted on a new machine. We have ...


Hello.I decided to try your product //exportkit.com/suite/download/128/pluginI downloaded.I run and I see an error: Help.

Error Message

I just installed the plugin through the extension manage. It shows up in photoshop but when I launch the ...

Extension won’t install

I just purchased my first month of exportkit. I'm working with Adobe CS6, while attempting installation in Extension Manager I get ...

Common Install Errors for CC2015

Read the Install Guide First This FAQ assusmes you have read our Install guide: //exportkit.com/learn/getting-started/installation. Follow the steps in our ...

Can’t reset my password

I can't log in (using another account) and can't reset my password, link doesn't work and some error pops up. ...

02. Using The Plugin

03. Layer Support

04. Basic Exports

05. Layer Tags

06. Optimization Tips

07. Complete Exports

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