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No connection using Illustrator

Hello, i just installed and activated again Lightning Storm on illustrator, and after login, the plugin stays like in link:https://www.dropbox.com/s/jb5t7nuyntkj5mf/ExportKit_Screenshot_001.jpg?dl=0I tried ...

PSD required for responsive css menu.

Hi there,I am looking for PSD for this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHksY4g_H9wAlso can you let me know how to close mobile navigation with ...

webmaster package

I just purchase webmaster package, and I open my adobe photoshop cc 2015, already go to windows - extensions ...

Cannot Activate Keys

If you visit the Activation page and you not see your keys, you can check https://exportkit.com/dashboard then navigate to "Products" ...

Adobe XD Plugin issue

Hi exportkit.comI'm trying to export an adobe XD layout to android UI, but the following error appearshttps://exportkit.com/xd/error?l=Saving | undefined [undefined],Saving ...

My session did not start, please help!

I purchased Responsive Pack and followed the instructions here: //exportkit.com/learn/getting-started/installation. //i.imgur.com/ni593Nk.png - but the plugin did not work. Please help soon :(

02. Using The Plugin

03. Layer Support

04. Basic Exports

05. Layer Tags

06. Optimization Tips

07. Complete Exports

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